'Watering Day' Block Print


8x10” hand-carved block print. Printed with oil-based inks on 150gsm French Paper Kraft-Tone paper in standard white. Each print is signed and numbered.

Each print is individually hand inked and pressed, so variations do occur in color & texture.

Shipped with a backing board in a protective plastic sleeve with in a recycled rigid mailer.

Mat and frame not included in purchase.

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8x10” hand-carved block print. Printed with oil-based inks on 150gsm French Paper Kraft-Tone paper in standard white. Each print is signed and numbered.

Each print is individually hand inked and pressed, so variations do occur in color & texture.

Shipped with a backing board in a protective plastic sleeve with in a recycled rigid mailer.

Mat and frame not included in purchase.

8x10” hand-carved block print. Printed with oil-based inks on 150gsm French Paper Kraft-Tone paper in standard white. Each print is signed and numbered.

Each print is individually hand inked and pressed, so variations do occur in color & texture.

Shipped with a backing board in a protective plastic sleeve with in a recycled rigid mailer.

Mat and frame not included in purchase.